Saturday, March 21, 2009

Equinox/Estara Update

Here is my update. After finishing 2 wonderfully sunny days off. I am ready to reflect:

I've been at my new floor almost 3 weeks. It will be okay once I know everyones's name. This floor is less centrally organized than my old one so the RNs are down the halls from my desk and I don't get to bond with them. I wish I could have had a honeymoon period where all the dysfunctional dynamics just flow over your head. But since I've been in the building 10 years and worked on this floor '98-'01, I am familiar with what functions and what dysfunctions on CaRe. I am going to have to let go of my crazy expectations that people TRY to do their job well.

When I stop by my old floor everyone yells, "Marty!" like I'm a rock star. It feels very good to be loved and missed. Morale is down over there especially among the Coordinators who have to work harder and faster since 2.5 of us were cut from the budget.

CaRe (Cardiac-Renal) has two desks and the one I am at today is more quiet and secluded. Allows me to email so I am grateful. I like my schedule. I work mostly day shifts (7am-330p) with a few evenings (3pm-1130p) for variety. I work every other weekend on the day shift. I was worried I'd have to switch weekends and re-arrange plans for the whole year. And vacations appear to be easier to schedule here.

What are my plans for the year?
-April 5 My nephews are being baptised. I am Donovan's godfather.
- May 23 My group, SoulPlay is doing a show called "Sighs Matters"
-June 5-7 In DBQ for my Mom's 75th B-day
-June 17-21 UpNort for Faerie Spirit Gathering. The retreat I help plan every year.
-July 1-4 Family at Backbone State Park
-7/30-8/2 -InterPlay Leaders Conference in Raleigh/Durham
-Aug 2 - George's baby due.
-Aug 7-16 - Lammas Gathering UpNort at Kawashaway
-Sep 25-27 20-year Clarke College reunion

Movies I am looking forward to:
May 1 - Wolverine
May 8 - StarTrek
May 15- Angel and Demons
July 1 -Public Enemies
July 17- HP & The Half-Blood Prince
Oct 16- Where The Wild Things Are

My priorities right now include:
-losing some of the weight I've gained over the Winter
-transforming my 3 broken bikes into one that works
-mailing all the books I'm giving away thru
-finishing my photo album project out on my sun porch
-walking by the river daily to see the buds birthing

I hope you enjoyed this update. I learned a lot about myself in the writing. I'm thinking about blogging a list of books I recommend.