Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sorry for the delay. My fans have been clamoring, so I am back. Special thanx to Ang and Shall who did the "clamoring." Been quite a month. On Feb 4 I was notified in a rather intimidating meeting that my job was being cut. I was offered a transfer, so I am grateful to have a job. But I have worked on R5Med for almost 8 years because of the WONDERFUL people, so for me the emotional impact is what I am dealing with. Financially, I'll be making the same amount and have an equivalent schedule.

On March 2 I start working on the CARE floor (CArdiac REnal). I worked there from 1998-2001.

I wrote the above a few weeks ago, while I was working. No wonder they got rid of me.  I am on my new floor now for almost two weeks. More soon. Just wanted to get this out there for my loyal readers. Both of them.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I'm sure you have more than two loyal readers, it's the tip of the iceberg theory! Can't wait to hear more, thanks for the update!
