Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama Was My Third Choice

Watched the Inauguration with a few friends today. A few stalwarts who have been in my living room for election night, debate nights, and Obama's acceptance in August. We all had plenty of opinions and each had our moments that felt most monumental.

I have waited my whole life for a non-straight/white/male president, but during the primaries I felt so conflicted. Rep. Dennis Kucinich was my favorite Democrat. (I don't often think of myself as a Democrat.) When it comes to left/progressive politics he is usually out there with me.  I am always realistic about his chances, especially with our political/media atmosphere. But he is who I want to vote for president, if I am voting Democrat. My second choice was Sen. John Edwards. As an anti-racist, feminist it was hard for me to back neither the first woman, nor the first person of color running successfully for a major party. But Edwards is always on the side of economic justice, where few major politicians ever stand. He announced his candidacy in New Orleans, if you remember, and he had me from there.

But I see Obama as a very wise and savvy leader who will find ways to move all of us into a new understanding of what it means to be American. I do like some of his cabinet appointments. Having a Secretary of Energy who is a scientist whose career has been spent developing renewable energy sure beats a FEMA Director with a background in Arabian horses. I do have a long list of tasks I'd like to see Obama work on in the next 99 days, but so does everyone else.

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