Wednesday, January 14, 2009


You may heave heard on national or international media that it is a little cold here this week. I am spending my day inside, but want to resist the urge to complain about the weather. Now that I've been in MN for almost 20 years, I know there is always a reason to talk about the weather, so you can look forward to those posts in the future.

I've posted one of my collages. It is entitled "Leftovers" since that's what it is. I did a series that I call "Men of EW" because it was made from pictures I ripped out of Entertainment Weekly. Those were all 7x7 inches and were cut square or diagonally with straight lines. Except for one that I did the same size but cut like concentric circles using portraits of Russell Crow and Denzel Washington. "Leftovers" is 8.5 x 11 and made from all the pieces I had left. I wanted to see if I could take what I had and make something out of it. Unlike the others I had no inspiration or plan when I sat down to this, just the challenge of using only what's available.

Lately I've been making collages for myself or for gifts to friends and they are too big for my scanner, but if you want to see more of "Men of EW" I can post them.

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