Sunday, January 11, 2009

Intro and Welcome

All dressed up and now nothing to say. It was sometime in 2007 that my friend Jenny at work first suggested I blog about my movie reviews and all the other thoughts and opinions I am always pouring forth. Numerous times since then I have composed in my head important and ground-breaking revelations that needed to be shared with the world. Now that I am all set up, I don't remember a one.

But soon, very soon, I will be back here reviewing award-nominated movies, going off about the religious right, raving about the newly expanded Seward Coop, promoting the proper use of hyphens, sharing the joy of InterPlay, decrying the decline of journalism, hyping the next comic book movie, complaining about MN weather, giving a shout out to my Bruther Girlfriends in the Rad Faes, or rambling about the newest little thing to stumble across my stream of consciousness.

Welcome! Let me know you're here and what you'd like to hear.
- MarT redWing 


  1. You go grrrrlfriend.

    Luv, White Ash

  2. Hey Marty!!!!! Glad to hear your ramblings, what a great outlet! I need to start a new one!
    Love JG
